Frequently asked questions

Find quick answers to common questions about using Roomfest for brands and agents. If you don't find what you're looking for here, don't hesitate to reach out to our customer support team.

Roomfest is a dynamic platform designed to connect fashion brands with agents and distributors globally. Whether you're looking to expand your market reach, find the right partnerships, or streamline your search process, Roomfest offers a comprehensive environment for direct communication and business growth.

Roomfest does not sell products directly. Instead, we provide a platform where fashion brands can showcase their collections to a curated network of agents and distributors, facilitating direct conversations and negotiations.

Whether you're an established fashion brand looking to penetrate new markets or an emerging label seeking visibility, Roomfest can significantly reduce your search time and connect you with the right business partners efficiently.

Roomfest operates on a subscription model and does not take commissions on transactions between brands and agents/distributors. Our focus is on providing value through connections, tools, and resources that empower your business.

Joining Roomfest can start with a free plan, allowing you to showcase your brand. For advanced features, including initiating contact with distributors and accessing premium tools, you can choose from our tiered subscription plans. For detailed pricing information, please visit our pricing page.

Roomfest caters to a wide range of fashion sectors, including apparel, accessories, footwear, and lifestyle products. We aim to support the diverse needs of the fashion industry by connecting brands with agents and distributors across various niches.

Absolutely! Roomfest is designed to support brands of all sizes. We offer scalable solutions that cater to startups and small brands, ensuring you can find and connect with suitable partners without the high costs typically associated with traditional methods like trade shows.

Roomfest offers a targeted search feature that allows you to quickly identify and connect with buyers or agents in your desired markets. Our platform is designed to streamline the discovery process, making it faster and more efficient to find the right partners.

We have a vetting process in place to ensure that all agents and distributors on our platform meet a certain standard of professionalism and reliability. This process helps maintain the quality of connections made on Roomfest, providing peace of mind for brands looking to expand their network.

We're here to help! If you have any further questions or need assistance, please reach out to our support team, and we'll be happy to assist you.